Information For Librarians
Responsibilities of Editors
Editors of Technologies for Lightweight Structures uphold the editorial standards of our journal by making decisions about whether to accept, reject or request changes to submissions. They also conduct reviews in their area of expertise unless a conflict of interest thereby occurs.
Furthermore, they work with the authors to shape the scientific quality of accepted papers.
A step-for-step description of the editorial workflow can be found in our Editorial Guide.
We are always looking for well-organized and committed experts of subjects within our Focus and Scope. If you are interested in an engagement as Editor, please contact us at
Responsibilities of Reviewers
Through their critical comments and helpful suggestions, Reviewers help our Editors to maintain and further the quality of research published in Technologies for Lightweight Structures.
A step-for-step description of the Review workflow can be found in our Review Guide.
To become a Reviewer, simply submit our registration form and tick the role as Reviewer.
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